About Us


WAYBACKS UNITED is dedicated to bridge the gap between the New School and the Old School, particularly within the realms of MUSIC, FILM, and APPAREL.

WAYBACKS UNITED unites and celebrates talent from the Pacific Northwest, providing a platform for emerging and established artists and entrepreneurs in the Music and Film industries while designing Shoes and Apparel in recognition of great moments and legendary icons.

WAYBACKS UNITED caters not just to artists but also to entrepreneurs within these industries. We offer a business-oriented approach, offering resources or guidance for those looking to build sustainable careers.

Overall, WAYBACKS UNITED is a company dedicated to fostering creativity and talent while also helping artists and entrepreneurs in the Music, Film, and Fashion sectors gain recognition and success on a larger stage. WAYBACKS UNITED will play a crucial role in promoting and preserving regional culture and artistic expression.


NASTYMIX RECORDS established in 1985 holds the distinction of being the First Major Hip-Hop Independent Label on the West Coast. This was a pioneering achievement in Hip-Hop, especially given that it was one of the few independent labels of its kind in the nation during that era. Boasting a roster of world-renowned rap artists and musicians, including Sir Mix-A-Lot, High Performance, Rodney O & Joe Cooley, Kid Sensation, Criminal Nation, and Michael Powers.

Dismantled 30 years ago, NASTYMIX RECORDS is now revived by former NASTYMIX RECORDS’ artist and High Performance’s group leader MAURICE “MC DUCE” OWENS.The revival of NASTYMIX RECORDS is particularly important for the Washington Music scene, as it brings back a piece of the state's musical heritage and contributes to its cultural resurgence. Meanwhile, securing a platform for artists to gain representation and recognition on a national and international scale.

NASTYMIX RECORDS’ revival by WAYBACKS UNITED serves as a reminder of its historical significance and provides a platform for the next generation of Washingtonian musicians to thrive. 


NASTYMIX FILMS is committed to producing movies and television shows that draw inspiration from the state of Washington. In addition to popular movie remakes and sequels, they aim to share the stories of great athletes, musicians, sports teams, iconic moments and much more.

NASTYMIX FILMS creates movies and television shows in Washington State. Such an initiative helps have a positive impact on the local community by creating jobs and fostering a vibrant creative scene. It allows Washington talent to be recognized and gives opportunities within the broader film industry. This benefits not only the artists but also the state itself as a hub for creative filmmaking.

NASTYMIX FILMS has a strong commitment to Washington State, its history, and its creative talent. By producing films and television shows rooted in the state's culture and stories, our focus is to provide opportunities for local artists and contribute to the growth and recognition of Washington's film industry. Also, the collaboration with Nastymix Records allows the opportunity to contribute music for the soundtracks and scores. 


WAYBACKS Shoes and Apparel specializes in honoring and representing History and its Legends. Washington State has a rich history of historical events, extraordinary figures, and iconic moments that have left a mark on its culture and society.

WAYBACKS emphasizes on showing appreciation for the achievements of exceptional people. This involves designing shoes and apparel inspired by these historical figures and creating collections that celebrate their contributions.

WAYBACKS brings these moments back to the forefront of people's minds and creates products that allow individuals to connect with and remember these significant people or events. These products are not just fashion items but also a form of personal self-expression.

Having started an apparel brand in Washington State has a multifaceted positive impact on the community and the state's economy. By creating jobs, supporting local industries, and engaging with the community, our brand is becoming an integral part of the region's economic and social fabric.


In conclusion, the possibilities for WAYBACKS UNITED are endless. Not only to establish a strong foundation as a company but allow the State of Washington and its exceptional hidden talents the opportunity to shine and grow on a broader scale nationally and globally.